Class AllowedReason

  extended by org.mutabilitydetector.unittesting.AllowedReason

public final class AllowedReason
extends Object

Provides ways to suppress false positives generated by Mutability Detector.

Regretfully, Mutability Detector may produce false positives, which cause your unit tests to fail, even though your class is immutable. In order to get around this fault in Mutability Detector, you can provide an "allowed reason" for mutability. This is preferable to deleting the test, or marking it as ignored, as it allows checking for all other violations except those you have explicitly sanctioned.

All types returned from the static methods on AllowedReason are implementations of Hamcrest Matcher, generic on the type MutableReasonDetail.

For more information on configuring a mutability assertion, see MutabilityAssert.

See Also:
MutabilityAssert, MutableReasonDetail, ProvidedOtherClass, AllowingForSubclassing, AllowingNonFinalFields, FieldAssumptions, NoReasonsAllowed

Method Summary
static AllowingForSubclassing allowingForSubclassing()
          Please see the JavaDoc listed with MutabilityAssert for an introduction on using this method.
static AllowingNonFinalFields allowingNonFinalFields()
          Insists that non-final fields are acceptable.
static FieldAssumptions assumingFields(Iterable<String> named)
          Allowed reasons for mutability warnings related to fields.
static FieldAssumptions assumingFields(String firstFieldName, String... otherFieldNames)
          Allowed reasons for mutability warnings related to fields.
static ProvidedOtherClass provided(Class<?>... classes)
          Please see the JavaDoc listed with MutabilityAssert for an introduction on using this method.
static ProvidedOtherClass provided(Class<?> clazz)
          Please see the JavaDoc listed with MutabilityAssert for an introduction on using this method.
static ProvidedOtherClass provided(String dottedClassName)
          Please see the JavaDoc listed with MutabilityAssert for an introduction on using this method.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static ProvidedOtherClass provided(String dottedClassName)
Please see the JavaDoc listed with MutabilityAssert for an introduction on using this method.

See Also:


public static ProvidedOtherClass provided(Class<?> clazz)
Please see the JavaDoc listed with MutabilityAssert for an introduction on using this method.

See Also:


public static ProvidedOtherClass provided(Class<?>... classes)
Please see the JavaDoc listed with MutabilityAssert for an introduction on using this method.

See Also:


public static AllowingForSubclassing allowingForSubclassing()
Please see the JavaDoc listed with MutabilityAssert for an introduction on using this method.

See Also:


public static AllowingNonFinalFields allowingNonFinalFields()
Insists that non-final fields are acceptable.

Please see the JavaDoc listed with MutabilityAssert for an introduction on using this method.

Example usage:

 public final class HasNonFinalField {
   private int someValue;
   public HasNonFinalField(int value) {
     this.someValue = value;
   // may have getter methods, but definitely no setter methods or reassignments.
  // a warning will be raised because field 'someValue' is not declared final
  assertInstancesOf(HasNonFinalField.class, areImmutable());
  // use AllowingNonFinalFields to permit this
  // must be used if matching result with areEffectivelyImmutable()

Must be used if matching with MutabilityMatchers.areEffectivelyImmutable().

See Also:


public static FieldAssumptions assumingFields(String firstFieldName,
                                              String... otherFieldNames)
Allowed reasons for mutability warnings related to fields.

Please see the JavaDoc listed with MutabilityAssert for an introduction on using this method.

Several warnings raised by Mutability Detector relate to the definition, or the use, of a field in a class. For example: the definition of a field may include declaring that the type of the field is mutable; or the use of a field may include reassigning it outwith the constructor. FieldAssumptions provides several methods which allow this category of reasons.

Reasons are allowed by matching the field by it's name and then matching the reasons that particular field causes mutability.

Example usage:

 public final class UsesInternalMapForCaching {
   private final Map internalCache = new HashMap();
   // ... constructor, and methods which mutate the map for caching
  // a warning will be raised because field 'internalCache' is a mutable type.
  assertInstancesOf(UsesInternalMapForCaching.class, areImmutable());
  // use FieldAssumptions to insist the usage is safe

This method is also available in Iterable$lt;String> form #assumingFields(Iterable)).

See Also:


public static FieldAssumptions assumingFields(Iterable<String> named)
Allowed reasons for mutability warnings related to fields.

Several warnings raised by Mutability Detector relate to the definition, or the use, of a field in a class. For example: the definition of a field may include declaring that the type of the field is mutable; or the use of a field may include reassigning it outwith the constructor. FieldAssumptions provides several methods which allow this category of reasons.

Reasons are allowed by matching the field by it's name and then matching the reasons that particular field causes mutability.

Example usage:

 public final class UsesInternalMapForCaching {
   private final Map internalCache = new HashMap();
   // ... constructor, and methods which mutate the map for caching
  // a warning will be raised because field 'internalCache' is a mutable type.
  assertImmutable(UsesInternalMapForCaching.class, areImmutable());
  // use FieldAssumptions to insist the usage is safe

This method is also available in varargs form assumingFields(String, String...).

See Also:

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