Interface Configuration

public interface Configuration

Allows customisation of Mutability Detector's analysis.

The most significant feature of Configuration is to allow defining hardcoded results for particular classes, which should be respected during analysis.

See Also:
ConfigurationBuilder, MutabilityAsserter.configured(Configuration), MutabilityAsserter.configured(ConfigurationBuilder), ThreadUnsafeAnalysisSession.createWithCurrentClassPath(Configuration)

Method Summary
 CheckerRunner.ExceptionPolicy exceptionPolicy()
          Configures how Mutability Detector's analysis should respond to exceptions during analysis.
 Map<Dotted,AnalysisResult> hardcodedResults()
          Add a predefined result used during analysis.

Method Detail


Map<Dotted,AnalysisResult> hardcodedResults()
Add a predefined result used during analysis.

Hardcoding a result means that information queried about a class will honour the result you have set. For example, if during analysis, Mutability Detector has to discover whether a field type is mutable or not. However, requesting the AnalysisResult of the class in question directly will return the real result from the actual analysis. This holds for unit tests, command line runs, and runtime analysis. As such, calling this method will have no effect when querying an AnalysisResult directly.

See Also:
AnalysisResult, AnalysisSession.resultFor(org.mutabilitydetector.locations.Dotted)


CheckerRunner.ExceptionPolicy exceptionPolicy()
Configures how Mutability Detector's analysis should respond to exceptions during analysis.

During analysis, an exception may occur which is recoverable. That is, Mutability Detector is able to continue it's analysis, and may produce valid results.

Setting this configuration flag to CheckerRunner.ExceptionPolicy.FAIL_FAST, will cause any unhandled exceptions will propagate, causing a failing test or aborting a command line run.

Setting this configuration flag to CheckerRunner.ExceptionPolicy.CARRY_ON may allow analysis to function where exceptions don't necessarily preclude a useful output. For example, consider a class which you wish to make immutable; a test for that class fails with an unhandled exception. If that test has, say 10 reasons for mutability, and 1 of those causes the test to abort with an exception, you have just lost out on 90% of the required information. CheckerRunner.ExceptionPolicy.CARRY_ON will allow the test to report 9 out of 10 reasons. The test may be useful, although it won't be comprehensive.

If you are unlucky enough to have a class which causes exceptions during analysis, please report it to the Mutability Detector project, at the project homepage.

ExceptionPolicy - how to respond to exceptions during analysis. Defaults to

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